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Showing posts from 2016

Inventory (stores) costed error

Stop the COST manager or CONCURRENT manager 1)select * from    mtl_material_transactions where costed_flag = 'E'      Confirm the error and find the organization_id and transaction_id 2)SELECT organization_id ,   default_cost_group_id   FROM mtl_parameters   WHERE organization_id = '155'       (place organization id from the step 1) 2) UPDATE mtl_material_transactions    SET transfer_cost_group_id = & dcgi    WHERE tranasction_id = & txn_id ;     (& dcgi = default_cost_group_id and & txn_id = from step1) 3) UPDATE mtl_material_transactions      SET costed_flag = 'N',      transaction_group_id = null,      error_code = null,      error_explanation = null     WHERE transaction_id = &txn_id;      (&txn...

Steps to release the stuck for PO entry

Su - applprod Cd $FND_TOP Cd sql Sqlplus apps/apps SQL> Select org_id,release_num,wf_item_type,wf_item_key From po_releases_all Where po_header_id In(select po_header_id from po_headers_all where segment1=’&PO_NUMBER’); SQL> select po_header_id,wf_item_type,wf_item_key from po_headers_all where segment1='168/2005' SQL>@wfstatus.sql   Enter value for 1:   POAPPRV   Enter value for   2:   3319-4115 SQL>@wfretry.sql   Enter value for 1:   POAPPRV   Enter value for   2:   3319-4115   Lable :   POAPPRV_TOP  Command   :RETRY  Result         :NULL

To select the username and the process status

select a . requested_start_date , a . last_update_date , a . status_code , b . user_name from fnd_concurrent_requests a , fnd_user b where a . requested_by = b . user_id and a . request_id = 677224 select a . requested_start_date , a . last_update_date , a . status_code , b . user_name , a . argument_text from fnd_concurrent_requests a , fnd_user b where a . requested_by = b . user_id and a . request_id = 677224

To kill the inactive forms and sessions

SELECT p . spid , s . process , s . status , s . machine , to_char ( s . logon_time , 'mm-dd-yy hh24:mi:ss' ) Logon_Time , s . last_call_et / 3600 Last_Call_ET , s . action , s .module, s . sid , s . serial # FROM V$SESSION s , V$PROCESS p WHERE s . paddr = p . addr AND s . username IS NOT NULL AND s . username = 'APPS' AND s . osuser = 'applprod' AND s . last_call_et / 3600 > 1 and s . action like 'FRM%' and s . status = 'INACTIVE' order by logon_time ;            database Select 'alter system kill session ''' ||s . sid|| ',' ||s . serial # || ''';',s.action FROM V$SESSION s , V$PROCESS p WHERE s . paddr = p . addr AND s . username IS NOT NULL AND s . username = 'APPS' AND s . osuser = 'applprod' AND s . last_call_et / 3600 > 1 and s . action like 'FRM%' and s . status = 'INAC...

To select the invalid objects

Select object_name, object_type,status from all_objects where status ='INVALID' and object_name like 'MSR%';                 (Or) SELECT OWNER,object_name,object_type,status FROM DBA_OBJECTS   WHERE STATUS = 'INVALID'   order by owner,object_type; You can use adadmin utility to compile or you can use utlrp.sql script shipped with Oracle Database to compile Invalid Database Objects. You can use perl script shipped with Oracle apps to compile JSP files. This script is under $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts . Sample compilation method is perl --compile –quiet  

Resolving gaps in data guard apply using incremental RMAN backup

Recently, we had a glitch on a Data Guard (physical standby database) on infrastructure. This is not a critical database; so the monitoring was relatively lax. And that being done by an outsourcer does not help it either. In any case, the laxness resulted in a failure remaining undetected for quite some time and it was eventually discovered only when the customer complained. This standby database is usually opened for read only access from time to time.This   time, however, the customer saw that the data was significantly out of sync with primary and raised a red flag. Unfortunately, at this time it had become a rather political issue. Since the DBA in charge couldn’t resolve the problem, I was called in. In this post, I will describe the issue and how it was resolved. In summary, there are two parts of the problem: (1) What happened (2) How to fix it What Happened Let’s look at the first question – what caused the standby to lag behind. First, I looked f...