Stop the COST manager or CONCURRENT manager
1)select * from mtl_material_transactions where costed_flag='E'
Confirm the error and find the organization_id and transaction_id
2)SELECT organization_id,
FROM mtl_parameters
WHERE organization_id = '155'
(place organization id from the step 1)
2) UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
SET transfer_cost_group_id = &dcgi
WHERE tranasction_id = &txn_id;
(&dcgi = default_cost_group_id and &txn_id = from step1)
3) UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
SET costed_flag = 'N',
transaction_group_id = null,
error_code = null,
error_explanation = null
WHERE transaction_id = &txn_id;
SET costed_flag = 'N',
transaction_group_id = null,
error_code = null,
error_explanation = null
WHERE transaction_id = &txn_id;
(&txn_id= from step1)
update mtl_material_transactions
set request_id = null,
costed_flag = 'N',
transaction_group_id = null,
transaction_set_id = null,
cost_group_id = transfer_cost_group_id
where costed_flag = 'E'
and transaction_id = '3392889'
Start the COST manager or CONCURRENT manager
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