Changing National Character Set AL16UTF16 to UTF8 The national character set is used for data that is stored in table columns of the types NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB. In contrast, the database character set is used for data stored in table columns of the types CHAR, VARCHAR2 and CLOB. Like the database character set, the national character set is defined when the database is initially created and can usually no longer be changed, at least not easily or without involving quite a lot of work (export, recreate database, import). Except when creating the database, where the national character set is defined explicitly, it can change implicitly even when upgrading the database from Oracle8i to Oracle9i (or Oracle10g). You require SYSDBA authorization to change the national character set. Changing the national character set means changing an Oracle Dictionary entry, but no data is changed. $sqlplus /nolog SQL> CONNECT / AS SYSDBA SQL> Select property_...
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